Demicron WireFusion Enterprise v5.0.16.823 英文正式版(3D網頁製作軟體)
1. Install
2. DELETE wirefusion.exe - its just the element5
license wrapper that only does trial messages,
its NOT needed for the registered app.
3. Do 'java -jar start.jar -eden' to start the
app or use the included .bat file from now on.
3. Use supplied keymaker to gen your license data
(java -jar wkey.jar)
4. Thank Xena and her boobs for this nice app :)
The WireFusion Enterprise edition is targeted
towards professional users needing it all. The
Enterprise edition includes all features found in
the Professional edition, and is the choice for
those wanting to create advanced product
configurators. The Enterprise edition comes
delivered in a physical box, with an installation
DVD and six (6) printed tutorials, guides and
Demicron WireFusion Enterprise v5.0.24.954 英文正式版(3D 網頁製作軟體)
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